Document against Acceptance (DA): Crucial Aspects to Follow!

The Document against acceptance (DA) is helpful for both buyer and seller. Here, the buyer doesn’t have to make an immediate payment, as they get the opportunity of a credit period. He makes the payment depending on the maturity date of the accepted bill. 

Under the Document against acceptance (DA) method, the seller delivers the goods first to the buyer. After the shipment, the seller will get all the significant documents including Invoices, Bills of Exchange, and more. So, let’s focus on the other factors of Document against acceptance (DA).

Document against acceptance (DA)

The Benefits Received By the Buyers through Document against Acceptance (DA)

  • Document against acceptance (DA) offers greater flexibility to the buyer with his cash flow and liquidity management. 
  • The process makes him settle with the payment and goods. 
  • When the times come to make a payment, he can sell the goods and secure the money from the debtors.

The Benefits Received By the Seller through Document against Acceptance (DA)

  • The seller receives all the necessary documents right on time. 
  • He gets the time to finish the collection order, furnished by the issuing bank, with accurate instruction. 
  • The seller also feels safe and secure under the authorization of Document against acceptance (DA).

The Other Aspects to Consider Of Document against Acceptance (DA)

  1. The seller supplies all the necessary documents to the remitting bank. They check the documents to check that they match with the collection order. Then the collecting bank (buyer’s bank) will receive the documents through air transport. 
  2. Depending upon the receipt of collected documents, the buyer's bank will submit the Bill Of Exchange to the buyer for acceptance. Acceptance represents - the buyer has to sign on the papers of the Bills Of Exchange with the company name.
  3. Following the acceptance, the Bill Of Exchange gets returned to the collecting bank for safety and security. The documents are then submitted to the buyer to take ownership of the goods.

The Role of Bank in Document against Acceptance (DA)

The bank plays a huge role under Document against Acceptance (DA). Both buyer and seller rely on their bank for their payment and other essential jobs. Here are few highlights of those:

  • After receiving or delivering any necessary documents they notify the other two parties.
  • They will start working on the process right after receiving the acceptance from the remitting bank. The collecting bank will work as per the maturity date.
  • On maturity, the collecting bank has to debit the amount to the buyer's account. And remit the proceedings through legitimate methods to the remitting bank.

Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether you are a buyer or a seller. The bank will help you with the proceedings following the laws assured by the state.

Visit the Website

Do you need the benefits of Document against Acceptance (DA) for your business? You can contact Oxford Credit Banque Limited. The company is a non-banking institute that offers services at unbeatable rates. Visit for further details!


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